• Prom Pact is set at the height of prom season. High school senior Mandy Coleman and her best friend and fellow outsider Ben are surrounded by over-the-top '80s-themed Promposals. However, Mandy keeps her eyes focused on a different goal: her lifelong dream of attending Harvard. When she finds out her acceptance has been deferred, she is determined to do whatever she can do to get herself off the waitlist, even if that means asking for help from the one person she abhors - popular all-star jock Graham Lansing, whose father is a powerful senator and Harvard alum. Once Mandy becomes Graham's tutor, she begins to realize there's more to him than she thought and perhaps something more to life than Harvard.
  • Netflix宣布开发隔离题材限定剧《保持距离 Social Distance》,这部剧由《女子监狱 Orange Is the New Black Season》主创Jenji Kohan负责,灵感来源就是#新型冠状病毒#疫情下的隔离情况。报导指这次拍摄模式比较创新,幕后会在线上指导演员,而演员则在自己家里进行拍摄,务求反映真实境况。P.S:Social Distance指特意保持社交距离,以阻止传染病传播开去。
  • 该剧由吴恬敏和兰道尔·朴饰一对美国华人夫妻Jessica和Louis,而温明娜将饰Jessica的新好友Elaine,美籍华人,知心姐姐型人物,被称为“中国奥普拉”[笑cry]她幽默聪颖,是Jessica梦寐以求的华人好友形象,她们有很多共同语言。李饰演Elaine家的Julius,一个热爱牛排、苹果派、达拉斯牛仔等许多美式事物的男子。Louis和他很快打成一片,但Louis的一个旧日好友的出现让两人的友谊受到考验。欧阳万成饰演Elaine和Julius的儿子Horace,一个有才华又随和的艺术家,跳了两级,16岁就以全额奖学金上了哈佛。Jessica很快就喜欢上了这个神童,但他的过去有一些秘密⋯⋯